BlaineTurner Advertising Launches Video for Mobile App Promotion

To enhance the release of the mobile app Got My Dress, BTA created a short video called “Don’t Get Ugly!” The video showcased a scenario where girls showed up in the same dress at the prom, and bullying became the result. The video was light-hearted, and even contained one of BTA’s employees, Clark.

While bullying is not something to joke about, Got My Dress hopes to encourage anti-bullying through the use of the app. By getting as many girls from your school and event to register through Got My Dress, you can make a positive step toward avoiding the SAME DRESS situation at your school or event, which has led to many physically and emotionally harmful encounters.

Through June 30, 2014, Got My Dress will donate $25 to STOMP OUT BULLYING for every 100 registered users that enter STOMP OUT BULLYING as their organization inside the app. Download today through the iTunes App Store.

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